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Research and Scholarly Activity

澳门威尼斯人赌城牙科医学院(CDM)认识到牙科教育中研究和学术活动的价值和重要性. Accordingly, LMU-DCOM承诺提供资源,以确保学生和教师都能获得研究机会,并促进成功的研究项目,有助于在预防领域取得进展, control, and treatment of diseases. In addition, LMU- cdm寻求与LMU内部的其他学院以及外部实体发展合作,以进一步实现这些研究目标.


Personnel Support

LMU-CDM聘请了多名具有专业知识和才能的个人,为教师和学生的研究项目的启动和执行提供帮助和指导. The LMU-CDM Associate Dean for Research provides oversight and guidance to research activities conducted by LMU-CDM faculty, staff, and students and is responsible for the communication and administration of research-related policies. 卫生科学研究和资助主任领导并支持为研究和学术活动寻求资金. 研究专家可以帮助教师为他们当前的研究计划收集信息和数据, assist in the preparation of research grant proposals, and to mediate community outreach studies. In addition, biostatisticians are on staff to assist with research design and biostatistics analysis.

Facilities and equipment support

In the LMU Mathematics and Natural Science Building (MANS), approximately 4,700 square feet of laboratory space is designated for faculty and student bench research. These facilities include mass spectroscopy, fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), quantitative PCR equipment, and modern molecular biology and tissue culture facilities. In addition, a Microscopy Suite is housed on the first floor of the MANS building and occupies 1,900 sq. ft. of space. This facility is equipped with sample preparation equipment, light microscopes, and a state-of-the-art scanning electron microscope (SEM), as well as a transmission electron microscope (TEM).

Financial support

Within the annual budget of LMU-CDM, funds are earmarked specifically for the support of research activities. 这些资金包括指定用于两个独立的竞争性学生研究奖学金:夏季研究奖学金和基础科学研究奖学金. 此外,学院还有竞争性的校内资助,旨在为启动研究项目提供种子资金,这些项目可能会在未来成功申请外部资助. In addition, 如果学生或教职员工的摘要被接受,我们将为他们提供参加专业会议的合理旅费.

LMU Research Policies

At the institutional level, Lincoln Memorial University maintains an active Committee on Scholarly Activities (COSA) which works to "Promote, Assess and Enhance University Wide Research; Consider University Wide Research Issues and Recommend Research Policy to the Vice President of Academic Affairs". The LMU-CDM Associate Dean for Research serves on this committee as representatives of LMU-CDM.

Office of Research Grants and Sponsored Programs (ORGSP)

负责学术事务的大学副校长还负责管理研究资助和赞助项目办公室(ORGSP)。. ORGSP致力于提供所需的支持性基础设施,以增加外部资助赠款的总数和类型,并确保适当的管理和监督新设立的奖项,充分代表澳门威尼斯人赌城的使命宣言和历史完整性. ORGSP maintains policies related to research and scholarly activity that govern all entities within LMU, including LMU-CDM. Under direction of the ORGSP, the Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), and Institutional Biological and Chemical Safety Committee (IBCSC) ensure that all activities adhere to relevant federal, state, and local regulations.


To ensure the protection of every person who may be involved in research and training projects, 机构审查委员会(IRB)审查所有涉及人类受试者的研究项目,并确认其符合卫生与人类服务部(DHHS)澳门威尼斯人赌城保护人类受试者的规定(45联邦法规46)和相关的FDA, VA, state and local regulations. 一名LMU- cdm教员被任命为LMU机构审查委员会(IRB)成员,并在该委员会中提供LMU- cdm的代表.


机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)的使命是确保澳门威尼斯人赌城用于研究和教育目的的所有脊椎动物的健康和适当照顾. 它通过确保机构遵守有关在研究中使用动物的所有法律和道德标准,为公众服务. LMU-CDM faculty provide representation by serving on this committee.


机构生物和化学安全委员会(IBCSC)是机构监督涉及生物材料和化学品研究的基石. All research projects involving pathogens, recombinant DNA, or highly corrosive chemicals undergo review by the IBCSC. Currently, there are two LMU-CDM faculty members that serve on this committee.

LMU-CDM Research Policies

In addition to the institutional regulations governing the research and scholarly activities at LMU, LMU-CDM建立了额外的政策和程序,以提供监督和支持其教师和学生的研究和学术活动.

LMU-CDM Research and Grants Committee

LMU-CDM研究及资助委员会的任务是考虑与启动研究项目有关的所有事项, prioritizing, funding, evaluating and auditing of grant applications, and identifying funding opportunities and community projects of LMU-CDM. These matters shall consist of, but will not be limited to faculty basic science research, clinical research, drug trials, consortia projects both domestic and international, as well as community-oriented research with collaboration from members of the tri-state area. 该委员会由负责研究的副院长担任主席,由来自基础科学的LMU-CDM教员组成, oral health sciences, and clinical oral health sciences.

LMU-CDM Policies and procedures for faculty research

LMU-CDM has institutionalized guidelines for faculty promotions that require research or scholarly activity as a criterion. These guidelines were authored by the LMU-CDM Faculty Executive Committee representing the LMU-CDM faculty assembly.

Faculty who are interested in initiating a research project are encouraged to first prepare a research proposal. The proposal should include Title, Goal, Hypothesis, Methods, and Timelines for completion of the project. 还应包括一份初步预算,说明完成项目所需的材料和设备的费用,以便提供项目的估计总成本. 该提案应提交给教员的主管或系主任进行审查,并讨论项目可能需要的任何发布时间. If desired, 教员可以将完成的提案提交给LMU-CDM研究和资助委员会,以进行严格的评估和反馈.

If the proposed project involves the use of human subjects, then an IRB Application for Human Subject Research must be submitted to the LMU Institutional Review Board (IRB). Projects involving animal research must be submitted to the LMU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). If the project requires the use of biohazardous, toxic, or other controlled reagents/substances, Institutional Biological and Chemical Safety Committee (IBCSC) review is required.
